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Client Success Story: deepset

Over the last year or so, I’ve been able to focus on helping software companies execute their website marketing strategies with ease. I previously wrote about one such client, and today I would like to introduce to you deepset, a company focused on large language models and natural language processing tools.

I came alongside deepset late in 2022, when I learned that their Prismic/Next.js based website was in dire need of some TLC. Prismic had some major updates available that required a significant level of effort on the code side of things, so I took a deep dive into the code and the docs in order to document the current state of affairs, and to generate a plan for making the upgrades.

Since executing on those upgrade plans, we maintain an ongoing relationship wherein I help to make edits to existing parts of the site, or to create new ones, as their marketing team’s objectives call for. I reached out to my contact Andrey and asked for some feedback, and he had some very kind things to say:

“Michael’s help with our website techstack has been instrumental in achieving our team’s objectives. Since Michael became involved, our website has become more robust and user-friendly which significantly elevated our online presence. His expertise in managing the tech stack – from maintaining our Next.js based project to navigating the complexities of a headless CMS – has made life considerably easier for our compact marketing team. This has allowed us to focus on our core marketing strategies without much of a website-related headache.

”Notably, Michael’s ability to quickly adapt to our codebase, provide timely updates, and offer proactive solutions has become integral.

”I would highly recommend Michael’s services to any marketing team or small to medium-sized business in need of expert website development, maintenance and support. His professionalism, efficiency, and skills in handling complex web technologies make him an invaluable asset to any project. Our overall satisfaction with Michael’s services is extremely high, and we consider his involvement in our web projects to be a pivotal factor in their success.”

Thank you, Andrey, for the kind words!

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Learn about the most common reasons that websites fail accessibility standards, and what you can do about it.